School of Philosophy and Arts


Deadline for submission: 31 January 2025
Dates of the conference: 24–26 April 2025
Organizers: City Hall of Guardavalle (Italy) in partnership with Magna Graecia Academy

We are happy to announce CFP for the International Conference of the Pythagorean heritage. The legendary and mystical figure of Pythagoras has attracted and fascinated philosophers for centuries. While little is known about Pythagoras himself, nevertheless there are fragments of the Pythagoreans as well as testimonials that serve as a basis for ancient and contemporary studies. The aim of the conference is to bring international scholars working on the Pythagorean legacy and summarize the previous research as well as present the new findings. The conference will be held near the Ancient Port of Caulonia, where, according to Dicaearchus, Pythagoras fled after the fire was set to the house of Pythagoreans in Crotone. The conference aims at discussing all aspects of the Pythagorean legacy: testimonials, fragments, influences, and contemporary research.

The conference will be held at the City Hall of Guardavalle, CZ (Italy).
Proposal guidelines
We suggest topics in the following areas of research:

  • Social, political, and ethical aspects of Pythagorean philosophy;
  • Religion and mysticism: Orphism, cult of Apollo; metempsychosis;
  • Mathematics: geometry, arithmetic, tetraktys, Pythagorean theorem;
  • Music: theory of harmony, ratios, consonances, Pythagorean tuning;
  • Cosmology: heliocentrism, the universe, music of the spheres.
  • Historical influence and contemporary research.

How to submit a proposal
Abstracts up to 350 words and Curriculum Vitae should be sent to: by 31 January 2025.
Presentations can be submitted by individuals or groups. If you have a group presentation, please submit only one abstract.
The abstract should include the title, author(s) affiliation, email, clear thesis, discussion, and conclusion.
Abstracts should be written and presented in English.

Acceptance notice
Applicants will be informed of their acceptance by email by 3 February 2025.
Accepted presenters are asked to confirm their participation and pay registration fee.

Early Registration Deadline: 10 February 2025 (195 EUR)
Late Registration Deadline: 21 March 2025 (225 EUR)
The fee includes a conference package, a welcome event on Thursday evening, and coffee breaks.